In Iraq accused the preacher of involvement in executions of homosexuals
Amir Ashour, executive director and founder of a group advocating for LGBT community rights in Iraq, criticized the words of Shia religious figure Muqtada Al-Sadr, who linked the legalization of same-sex marriage to the spread of coronavirus. This is reported by Rudaw on March 29. From the point of view of the defender of homosexuals, Al-Sadr's words are not only anti-scientific, but also dangerous to incite hatred against supporters of perversive practices. Muqtada Al-Sadr heads a militia that is known for its torture and murder of members of the LGBT community, said Ashura publication. We remind that over the past few weeks a number of world religious figures have suggested that the outbreak of coronavirus infection has been sent as punishment for sins, including the indulgence of LGBT communities imposing their agenda.
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