In France in June can allow restaurants and campsites
Restaurants and bars, as well as campsites and tourist spots that have been closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, can resume their operations in France in June. This is reported on May 31 by the Internet edition The Local. According to the head of the French government, Edouard Philippe, cited by the publication, the second phase of the removal of quarantine measures related to the pandemic implies easing the rules for the restaurant and tourism business. Also, according to him, in June the gradual resumption of work of hotels, bars, restaurants and other tourist enterprises can begin, provided strict observance of sanitary safety rules. At the same time Philip stressed that the resumption of work of these enterprises will be carried out not immediately, but in two phases, which will last until June 21. In addition, he said that the opening of tourist enterprises will depend on the region of the country in which they are located, as it is currently divided into green with low distribution of coronavirus (such as the majority) and orange with quite high. In green areas tourist enterprises will be able to resume work from June 2, and in orange from June 22. It should be noted, according to the news agency, earlier it became known that the Government of Germany is working on a bill to allocate funds to stimulate the economy affected by quarantine measures imposed as a result of the outbreak of coronavirus infection.
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